Its Monday but keep smiling!

It’s not uncommon—the start of the workweek can bring on a serious case of sadness. But don’t worry we have some crazy solutions for your Monday Blues. Follow these seven simple steps to beat the blues and greet the new week like it’s Friday night.
1. Relaaax. Pick either Friday or Saturday night to go out, and spend another evening staying home with friends.
2. Morning hunger crankiness is the last thing anyone needs at the office. Don’t skip breakfast. Boost metabolism and jump-start the day with a hearty breakfast.
3. Hit the gym. It’s no secret that exercise shoots up endorphin levels, so try getting in an early morning exercise to start the day off right.
4. Smile! Smile in the shower, flash a grin to the barista and show those pearly whites to the whole office.
5. Have a Schedule. A day-planner is a useful tool for anyone in any job. But it won’t work if you don’t put the effort into using it. Some guys turn down simple organizational methods like the day-planner because they feel ridiculous carrying it around the thing all day long.
6. Check to see if you’re being challenged. If you’re doing the same thing over and over, you may find you’ve settled into a routine where you’re bored out of your mind. To help get you over the hump, ask your boss if you can have some more challenging work. Your boss will be impressed, and you’ll find your job more satisfying.
7. Bring the fun with you. Surprise your co-workers with a freshly baked batch of cookies.

Have a Happy Monday!

Picture credits: Awesoroo

Rutuja Nagwekar: Rutuja Nagwekar is a Post graduate to be with the experience in marketing for Zee Media and Web content. A disciplined and pragmatic individual which believes in ‘We’ rather than ‘I’ and is an excellent team worker. Enhanced communication and inter personal skills which she have acquired through her long period of association with the performing theatre group and experimental films which have given her the adaptability and flexibility skills to work in any environment.
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