New Year’s Resolutions 2020: 5 easy resolutions for a healthy and happy life

There are many New Year resolutions that we all make but we always end up failing at the list of resolutions that we make. New year and resolutions are synonymous, and it is something that we never miss thinking about as soon as the year is about to end. Whether we aspire for wealth, love, ambition, good health or whatever we desire, but we absolutely never forget to make a list of resolutions. For the next year which is 2020, make sure that the resolution list you make is easy, doable and  good for your over all well-being.

Here is a list of 5 easy resolutions for a healthy and happy life:

1. Explore new hobbies

It’s important that when you are considering making a new year resolution list that you also mention a point where you will explore new hobbies. When it comes to exploring or finding new hobbies, it shouldn’t be something that is specifically impossible to do or make time out for. For instance, new hobbies could be taking a painting class, attending a zumba class, trying Mexican food. Don’t be a bore and find something new that doesn’t make your life look mundane. It’s a new year and so new hobbies should definitely be in your new year resolution list.

2. Look after your health

Health is something that is crucial for our lives and still we continue neglecting it every day until we fall sick. If you want something to be on your priority list first it should be health. All you are required to do is follow simple steps like sleep 7-8 hours daily, exercise cardio 45 mins a day, avoid eating junk food, cook and eat home food more, take the stairs instead of lift, drink water more, do yoga and meditation. These simple tips are enough to make yourself happy and healthy. Looking after your health is the most basic thing that you should do to keep in your new year resolutions list.

3. Do some positive self-talk

It is significant that while life may seem hectic and tiring, but you don’t lose doing things that make you feel happy, While not everyone is going to tell you that you look beautiful or that you are brave or courageous. This new year as part of your resolution list do make a habit to do positive self-talk daily. Like you could say, ‘ Today, I am grateful for so and so’ or whatever it is that you are grateful about. Start talking good things about yourself and make yourself feel appreciated and loved as you are the only one who can be your own life coach, adviser, friend.

4. Plan a vacation

Planning a vacation is something that should be ideally at the top of your list. We all are so much engrossed in our lives that we never find time for ourselves. It’s either work-home or home-work and in between this there’s no vacation. Even if you can’t think for going a week long holiday, look out for two or three day vacation. It is really pivotal to go on a vacation and unwind. It could be hiking, sky diving or whatever you like.

5. Read books

This is one huge thing that you will feel thankful about later. Reading books is not a boring thing. It gives knowledge, insight and what not. Start reading books irrespective of the categories. It could be fiction or non-fiction or any genre.  Make another list of the books you want to read and by the end of the year go through the list again to see how many goals have you accomplished by reading many books. By the end of the year, you’ll be glad that you have read several books and how well you have successfully accomplished the goals.

Also Read: Best Tips For Stress-Free Life: Here’s How You Can Make Your Life Manageable

Arushi Vats: I am a writer, traveler and a blogger. I love everything about fashion. Spiritual at heart. Like to keep calm and let life give me experiences so I have something to write on.
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