Twilight mansion now on Airbnb, fans can have dream holiday

Source: Pinterest

The fantasy film series, the Twilight saga has stuck to us long. Girls being smitten by Edward Cullen and having fantasies of spending their life romancing a Vampire and boys wishing to have a girl as beautiful as Bella Swan is a part and parcel of being a Twilight fan.

But then as we imagine how we can have the Twilight life, one can also see that the house in which the Cullens family stayed. That lush house, in which most of the film was shot in Oregon has been put on rent. Yes, you read it right. The house can be rented and has been taken over by Airbnb. It happens to have initially shared by PopSugar and has caught up well with the masses.

The house was purchased by someone last year and has been put on the website for rent. Its a 5 bedroom house and one can rent it for $400 during the week and $500 during the weekend. This is the house that saw Bella Swan Transform, had her daughter, saw Jacob come and help her around.

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