Valve bringing its Index VR headset to more countries

Running high on the announcement of Half-Life: Alyx, Valve has now announced plans to release its Index VR headset and controllers in other countries. The Index is currently available in US and Europe for $999. The first countries to benefit from the announcement will be Canada and Japan.

While the newly announced Half-Life: Alyx will not be restricted to the Valve Index VR, this VR headset is most likely optimized to provide optimal gaming experience. The Valve Index VR certainly provides better individual finger sensing than most competitors.

Half-Life: Alyx is a full length game that costs $60 for its on release on all PC-based VR headsets on March 20, 2020. However, Index owners can get the game for free. This applies for both headset and controller owners. It will serve as an added incentive to purchase the Valve Index VR instead of Rift or Vive.

Much to the disappointment of Half-Life fans, this new addition is not Half-Life 3. It actually takes place between the events of the original Half-Life and Half-Life 2.

Players can only hope that the new game will be enough to bring mass audience in to drive the sales of its Index VR headset. Half-Life has always pioneered groundbreaking technology and Half-Life 2 was the game that brought Steam onto millions of PCs. The decision was met with strong opposition and protest but valve ultimately prevailed.  It still remains to be seen if Valve can pull of a similar caper with their latest offering, Half-life: Alyx.

ALSO READ: The Avengers: Damage Control Trailer Brings A New VR Story To The Marvel Universe

Aanchal Singh: I'm a reader, writer, photographer and traveler.
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