The Meaning Behind Death Stranding Buzzwords

Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding has fans intrigued and confused in equal measures. While the game is an unparalleled cinematic treat, it sometimes falls victim to being more of a movie than a game.

During the gameplay, players come across several abbreviations that are of key importance to the game. This list decodes these abbreviated words to pave an easier path for the players.

Death Stranding Buzzwords


United Cities of America are the leftovers of what was once the United States of America. The Death Stranding wreaked havoc through the nation, leaving it disjointed and disunited. Sam’s primary goal through Death Stranding is the unification of the UCA.


Bridge Babies are more unsettling elements in the game. Bridge Babies connect the world of the living and dead. They also indicate the proximity of supernatural creatures.


BT stands for “Beached Thing”. BTs are neither dead nor alive. They are stuck on the Earth following the Death Stranding and are neither completely dead or alive.


MULEs are cargo thieves that suffer from porter syndrome and seek to steal the cargo of others. Fragile Express uses them to make deliveries from time to time.


A neckpiece containing all the necessary security and operations protocols to establish connections between centers and cities throughout UCA via the Chiral Network.


Strand in Death Stranding may refer to numerous things. It is the president’s last name while also being the name of the umbilical cords. Strand can also be used in referance to Sam’s close combat rope weapon.


Able to analyze terrain and detect the location of lost cargo, Odradek’s are basically scanner. Combined them with a BB unit, though, and they can help detect BTs nearby.


Death Stranding’s dangerous take on rain, the TimeFall rain ages everything it touches rapidly.


According to Fragile, “A Cryptobite a day keeps the timefall away.” These are small organisms that can be eaten to deflect the effects of TimeFall. They can presumably travel to the ‘other side’.


It is a fear of intimacy/physical touch. Sam seems to suffer an acute form of Aphenphosmphobia. He is not just afraid of physical touch but actually allergic to it.


Autotoxemia leads to poisoning by chemicals within the body. BB’s will suffer from Autotoxemia under extreme stress.

These are some of the words from Death Stranding that the players may have been struggling with. We hope these brief explanations help out.

Check our other Death Stranding Guides for more Tips, tricks and tweaks only on The Live Mirror.

ALSO READ: What Are Death Stranding Signs And The Best Places To Create Them

Aanchal Singh: I'm a reader, writer, photographer and traveler.
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