What does a Facebook poke mean? Find out

If you’ve been an active Facebook user, you would know what poke means on Facebook. If not, we have got you covered. According to Urban Dictionary, a poke “allows users to say ‘hello’ to or show interest in a friend without having to go through the tedious process of crafting coherent sentences.”

According to a Facebook FAQ page, they answered the reason poke was invented, “When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific purpose. People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings.”

Now with the increasing of Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Twitter, the Facebook poke has been faded into the background.

How to poke someone on Facebook?

  • To start, you simply have to go to the user’s Facebook account.
  • At the top of the user’s profile, you will see a profile picture on the left, a cover photo stretching across the top, and a few buttons on the right side. Look for the one with ellipses (three dots) on it.
  • Later, click on “Poke.” This will send your friend a poke notification. There, you go now you can start a poke war with your friends.

What is a ‘poke war’?

A ‘poke war’ is exactly what it sounds like. Believe it or not, we have all done this. Poke wars are a never-ending exchange of pokes back and forth between two users. These poke wars serve no purpose and are done just for fun. The Facebook poke war ends when one person gives up and decides to stop poking back.

How to reject a poke

If you receive a Facebook poke from a person you don’t want to poke back, you choose to just ignore the poke. If not, Facebook lets you delete the pokes by clicking the gray “X” so you would not have to see the notification. You can also block the user if the notifications continue, especially if you aren’t friends with them.

ALSO READ: Decoding UWU And It’s Meaning

Shefali Fernandes: A 22-year-old who loves everything about the world of Bollywood and a huge FRIENDS fan.
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